I was in plant heaven today at the garden centre in Shelley. Hundreds of gorgeous plants for spring gardens.I will have to visit in all four seasons.
They do gardening stuff for children, classes on planting baskets and containers.
They have been a family run business since 1872 i think. Seed merchants, now members of the british orginisation for accredited garden centres.
It has a cafe, homeware, garden tools, rabbits, pet supples, and numerous other things related to gardening, veg growing, bulbs, etc.
The carpark was the fullest i have ever seen for a nursery, the views are spectacular. The surrounding countryside had loads of spring daffodils on grass verges by stonewalls, and cows.
The other plant is a bulb in a pot of soil. Hardy Asiatic lilly because the colour looked lovely.It was also in a pink pot.
I have showed the labels because the pots are not photogenic yet.I have more seeds to sow tomorrow.I need some shelving for more seed trays to grow by the windows where the light is.
No allotment news yet :(
The orchids look to be developing slowly with green tips being unwrapped like pass the parcel.A bark layer, a lighter layer, a dark green layer, and finally I think some coiled leaves although only the tips are showing.
There were orchids today at the garden centre for £11.They were like the ones in the hospital but different flower patterns.
They are sold already in flower, and had a photocopied sheet.
Trey, from the Golden Gecko nursery I hope you read the last post because i thought of you as i walked around.
Snappy, your new apartment is going to look like a greenhouse inside this summer. :)
Hi Blackswamp girl,It will really look like an indoor greenhouse with Orchids, lillies, bird of paradise, and mixture of flowering annuals!I am thinking about how to grow more.
Necessity is the mother of gardening invention :)
I may be landless but with pots and windowsills I can still raise plants from seeds.I will give them away, and join Hils on her plant stall for charity.
Some good may benefit from my madness/passion.Good to hear from you.Have you got photo of you yet?
Very good to hear from you ol’ snap master. I hadn’t checked in since you moved so I will now stop by more often. We are having a rip roaring spring as the weather has cooperated nicely.
This garden center you visited sounds wonderful. A business that’s been around since 1872 must be doing something right.
The stunning countryside views, and cafe were a big selling point.A large selection of not common plants, flowers, shrubs, fruit tree's, tree's, alpines, succulents, plus pots, statues, furniture.
It went back miles.On the way out i saw the kids classes, and adult classes run by the centre.They have three garden centres I think, although one is just lawn mowers.
If they have run since 1872 they must be supported by the community, and have worked hard as part of a garden centres orginisation.The inside stuff was mad from home ware to seeds to bulbs to house plants.You could easily spend a small fortune.The staff were nice too.
I would go back again, and that must be the sign of a successful business.I thought of the golden gecko nursery, even in the country of west yorkshire.Thanks for dropping by Trey!
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