I want to finish the Allotment clearing and try to add some manure to the beds. I'm itching to get things planted. Before the fun of planting and tending you have to do the heavy digging and clearing. I hope the soil is drier after the sun today.
I made a new bird feeder station the other day to hold the Goldfinch thistle seed and sunflower hearts.There are sunflowers germinating in the soil so I will leave them to flower and set seed to feed the birds.
This Bluetit sat on the new station then investigated the tiny black seeds in the feeder.
My Daffodil has flowered today, and also one of my Chilli plants has an ornate little white flower. Five chilli plants are growing now, but the biggest one has multiple flower buds.The chillis will follow the flower I hope. Photos tomorrow when its better light.
I weather watch now to see if im likely to be able to get to the allotment and to work out if frosts are likely to strike.
The clocks went forward one hour last night, so an hour less in bed for me last night zzz.We are in British Summer time now (even though its spring).
I have three days off before nights.I hope the weather holds...
Hi Snappy! Glad to see you blogging...I was worried about you after hearing about the plane crash in a "residential area" near London (not sure exactly where you are). Happy Spring!
Hi Snappy, I have heard that the weather is going to improve from Wednesday onwards and winter will be over, not sure how true that is though lol but I'm hopeful as my kitchen window sill is overflowing.
I have been watching your progress with the allotment, you are doing fantastic, such a transformation in such a short time.
Happy digging!
Hi Lisa,The plane crashed in a Kent housing estate.It almost feels spring today with sunshine.About to go allotment digging :)
Thanks Angela,March has been a strange month here with warm days and freezing cold ones with snow and frost.My Spring bulbs have been slow to come up whereas they are in full flower around Wakefield.Mine are fashionably late...
Bet you cannot wait to get outside into the thawing garden.My kitchen windowsill is full of chilli plants.
Thanks for the kind words about the allotment.I am terribly impatient so its always nice to get other viewpoints about the plot :)
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