Hils wanted me to see her two Amaryllis which are in flower by her dining room window.The sun crept through the clouds and illuminated the red sail like petals...
This Quadruple flowering one has a reddish/salmon colour but had the quality of a stained glass window.
This one was Ferrari Red, with the centre in shadow being darker in colour...
The third Red photo shows the ghostly eyes, not just Orchids and Pansys that have faces on them. The spirit of the Amaryllis smiles through.
Mine is a poor cousin with three foot leaves but no sign of any flower buds. Heres hoping it flowers for me.
So beautiful. I love the backlighting on these, makes them look so delicate. And a face too, she looks curious and wondering.
Thanks Salix Tree,I love the way the sun shone through the windows.The colours were like stained glass windows in a church.
I find it funny to see faces in the flowers!
My luck with amaryllis is poor, but Mr. Brownthumb has experience and good advice. In fact, I need to repot mine with the "shoulders" of the bulb above ground like he says...I'm gonna get this thing to bloom yet!
Thanks Lisa,I briefly looked at Mr Brownthumbs page about Amaryllis.Mine is languishing on the bedroom windowsill.Sigh!
Its just not done what the others did in Castleford.My Amaryllis is called Apple Blossom..
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