Friday, September 07, 2007

My Sea Holly

Eryngium on the black trolley by the bedroom window. I can only imagine how big this would have grown in well drained, sunny soil outside. The Flower heads and Shakespearean Ruff type leaves give it a thistley appearance.

It is a perennial so hopefully It will grow back next year.

I actually looked at the Blogger picassa album today. This will be the 902nd photo I have uploaded!

My question is how can I publish the blog in the future? I like blogger for all its drawbacks and vagaries of uploading multiple images. The Gardens blog has become animated with my photos mostly, with a few images from google searches.

I was included as a fifth member of the Blogger Garden Dream the photographer.I will find the link later. Thanks!

Heres the link:

The photos try to capture the beauty of the garden, or the plants or flowers. Even with the most sumptuous border the human eye picks up more of the colours, lights and darks. I dont think I do bad for an amateur gardener/photographer.

I think the Gardener part comes first, and the photographer part comes second. Photos cross countrys, language barriers, and cultures. It may be called a local name but plants can be recognised all over the world.


Dirty Fingernails said...

I would agree that photos cross all barriers.. I can enjoy a beautiful photo even if I don't understand the language it is in.

David (Snappy) said...

Dirty Fingernails,I look at random blogs sometimes.The best ones in other languages have pictures.They transcend language, maybe there is a common worldwide language of visual images.
Good point!