Look at these beautiful Carrots, like athletes lining up for the 100 metre sprint!
Shallots, on the plate...
Cabbages, what a nice colour they are...
Marrows, very colourful
Tomatoes that would look good in my cheese sandwich...
Giant Heavy leeks, like heavyweight boxers in the Veg growing world. The first prize went on weight, and the leaves were so neatly washed and plaited...
Onions from Table eyed view.You can see the hall they were displayed in. Long black tables with various Veg displayed in their respective classes for judging.
I would love to grow all of these, but for eating with home cooked foods. They can be displayed like edible Art works!
Wow! That certainly bears no resemblance to anything that shows up in my local grocery store! What a show. I've never been to such a thing as that.
Those carrots are so lovely and svelte, and that leek! It's murmuring "vichyssoise."
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