Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cara moving...

Spoooky, ghostly Cara floating away on the grass.The under gardener.


Faira said...

Cara, looks so much like my cats, in personality at least. My cats love the outdoors even with the rain. I see them from my kitchen window running through the garden rain, chasing each other and then in through the pet door they come sop and wet, for a bite to eat and to take their dailey naps upon the bed.

David, If you enjoy pets and pet people... look on my right side bar and you will find a list of Jengibre's pet friends. I know they would enjoy sharing thoughts with you and a walk through your garden, they are faithful Blogging friends and pet owners but be careul they are a hard bunch to keep up with, I often fall behind on my comments.

David (Snappy) said...

Faira, that sounds like a description of Tia and Cara.They gallavant around the garden, then come inside for some food, stroking, and catching up on cat naps.
I will visit your sidebar for Jengibre's pet friends.I left some names today for the un named cat who found his way to your washing machine!