Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Raining Birds and Christmas Roses

The Rain came again today, pouring down for a few hours. I ventured outside to see if the Hellebores had flowered yet. Not yet, but pretty close. They have either pink ish or white flower buds. Five plants have developed flower buds which are now growing upwards, as they started off in the soil close to the base of the plants.
The Raindrops are photogenic on the blue berrys of the Viburnum.I actually saw a blackbird eating one yesterday.
You can see the Sunken Bird waterbowl with surrounding stones..
I wandered if the Rain would dampen the garden birds spirits. It was like wacky races today with numerous birds flying in and out. I counted up to twelve at the most. Five Blackbirds, and seven Blue tits. They are actually quite hard to count because they are all moving about rapidly.
Some bird photos to come today..

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