Saturday, July 07, 2007

Whale and Mermaid border

The path that led down past the Whale and mermaid willow sculptures was closed. The effect of the heavy rainfall can be seen. Around the gardens they were repairing the paths where the rain has cracked and split the walkways.
The rain had also done a lot of damage to the annuals. I need to come back after a few weeks of sunshine. The website says they sowed seeds directly onto prepared soil in April and May when the soil had warmed up. A mixture of field poppy, cornflower, corncockle, californian poppy, and corn marigold.
The meadow flowers would be the sea of flowers growing around the willow sculptures, with paths crossing the sea at various points.
You can see the ship and whale on the last photo, another reason to go back to see how this display is developing.
In the Autumn the Flowers will be cut back and the seeds left to fall to the ground. The beds will be cultivated and in spring the ripened seeds will start growing. It is only weeded, nature does the rest. I was intrigued by the idea of a direct sown area, in comparison to the labour intensive main borders of massed planting.
All the flowers that start growing from Spring will be like old friends, returned after winter. Its another idea that I have brought back from my second trip to Harlow Carr.

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