Monday, July 02, 2007

Lilly and Seeds

The Stargazer lilly which I now think smells faintly of cinnamon and Cloves. Next to the white star flowers of the Stephanotis.
I am day off today before three long days.I dont know if im going to Harlow Carr on friday. I think the weather will decide that for me. I got soaked last time we went.
I have two photos from there of me and Fran. The first is looking at the wildflowers at the back of the Lutens-Jekyll Garden with my Camera. The second is by the sunken pool.
I like them because I didn't take them. Im rarely photographed becuase I usually take all my photos for on here.
I will have to photograph them to put them on here.
I was on Mr Fothergills website today and finally ordered some more seeds for Autumn planting.
I ordered some black Hellebores, Carex Bronze, Heliotrope to grow as a pot plant (mmm cherry pie flowers), and other things that I cant remember. Oops, will blog them when they arrive.
I got a glossy David Austin Catalogue a few days back, oh my goodness how many types of English roses! I saw a selection at Harlow Carr with the massive six litre pots. Apparently the roses like deep roots.But boy are they heavy the pots!
My dream garden is already heavily laden with plants and flowers.I dont mind which way it faces, how good or bad the soil is, or what it looks like.The fun will be working out what can grow and developing it to my vision of a perfect garden.
The inspiration comes from books, magasines, other garden blogs, gardens i have been to or worked on, and friends gardens. The indoor greenhouse is fun when things bloom well, but its frustrating when things are not doing as well.
I will be in heaven when i have a house with windows all around, instead of three shaded ones facing eastwards.
I want to feel the sunshine, wind, and rain on my face.The plants too are eager to put their roots down in a more permenant soil.
They are itching to furnish the blank canvas, and provide foliage, flowers, scent, and colour throughout the year.
Just waiting for contract to expire and the house hunting to begin in earnest...

1 comment:

Dirty Fingernails said...

My stargazers are blooming now as we speak. I returned from vacation to find a wonderful scent lining my walkway and bright colors as well. People either hate or love the stargazer.