I have finally got internet access. I checked my emails (oh my gosh there were hundreds!!) and logged into Blogger. Guess what I finally moved to the Beta blogger one.
I loved all the comments to the Au Revoir post.The problems I had were my flat number (thirteen) which meant BT (the telephones company) did not recognise my flat number.I had to wait weeks for an engeneer to visit to locate my phone line.
Next BT got the address wrong so the equipment went AWOL back to Leeds. After an hour on various phone lines I got them to send out the Hub.
It came this morning. Yippeeeeeeeee it is like xmas.Internet access is one of those things you dont realise you rely on it untill you have not got it.I had withdrawel. No emails, no blogging, no checking things out with google.
Its nearly Spring time now.I walk past crocuses like the ones in picture. In my move to Wakefield the phone connector cable and disc have gone missing.I will have to work out how to get my photo's onto Computer.
The downside is I have no garden now. I have a few plants I took with me from Castleford.It is a new start here. My fingers are itching to plant seeds and grow some plants for my window sills and to give away.
I will post a lot now to catch up with all of you. Hope your gardens and green spirit are starting to wake up with the approach of springtime. I have a spring in my step now!!
Welcome back, Snappy!! Seems like I just checked your blog the other day for signs of life-nothing. Glad your back in the blogosphere!
Thanks Lisa, you are the most comment leaving blogger!You win my kisses and admiration, lol.I will leave lots of comments for you.I read your posts with interest about fungus, worms, and bee houses.
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