After a winter layoff where my enthusiasm only ran to thinking about the garden, spring reinvigorated me to plan in detail, and then slowly buy the plants, seeds, and bulbs.I have never grown bulbs before.The vegetable patch is still an idea.It took a lot of effort to brush away winter cobwebs, and weeds (they grow so fast when left alone).
The grass has been cut.The explosion of dandelions in front of the white birch is amazing.A carpet of yellow flower heads even after vicious lawn mowing.
That which worked last year has stayed.New plants, tree's, and shrubs now have joined the throng.Im excited by the thought of observing growth, and watching the garden fill with colour.It should be magical to sit in, with a cup of tea, and a cig, and just look.Seeing god in every flower, blade of grass, leaf, bud, and branch.
It helps calm you down from the excesses of everyday life, makes you contemplate, or just soak up the beauty of nature.Right by the door to the house.
I wanted the new interior to be reflected in a flowery exterior.A mixture of new plants, and traditional ones.
The leylandi has to be trimmed or just removed.It is a big blot on the upsloping grass.The white birch has come alive with fresh new leaves exploding out of buds, contrasting to the peeling white bark.A few people answered my question what is it!!
Not shown are pots outside the house.I have a minature succulent garden in a purple pot from nans house.I have put pansies, and violas into pots.There are sunflowers outside in pots ready to be moved to the front window cottage garden at the back.
My windowsill projects are evening primroses, purple coneflowers, french marigolds in study window, and my favourite busy lizzies.The cats sat on the overwintered specimin, the others died when i was in London doing my sisters garden.
I thought about all the gardens I have done.I tidied Mums in Cheltenham for a couple of years, she loves growing flowers.More of a wild cottage garden really.
Jawsy has an already established garden, with large tree's. and about ten rose bushes trained to be tree like.
In wood street I reclaimed soil from a ton of bricks, and concrete.I made three borders on a bricked backyard.
This garden is by far the biggest.It was totally derelict, and full of rubbish from previous tennants.I have taken one year to reshape it to something of beauty i want everybody to enjoy.
Love you Sallyanne, my wife.Its our garden darling.I did it for you, and me, and our family and friends to enjoy....