Thursday, May 19, 2011

Moving On

I got up early this morning to get the vegetable plants ready to be driven to the plot.These had all been grown from seed and tended in the greenhouse and it was time for them to move on to the next stage, growing in the warm earth of the allotment.I had dug the beds over at the plot and marked them out with canes and string, and handwritten white sticks.Some crops had been planted already like Onions,Garlic, and Potatoes.I sowed Carrots,Parsnips, and Pea's a few weeks ago.These plants on the grass had grown over the past few months,crowded together in the greenhouse, surviving the hot March and April.I'm proud of the results of all my work.

Any job you do always takes much longer than you think.To plant all the above plants, water them, and do some weeding took me around six hours.I did turn the beds over to remove any remnant weeds.The Sweetcorn went in first, followed by Cauliflower,Brussels Sprouts, Swede, Broccoli Garnet,Cabbages,Courgettes/Squash, and lastly Pumpkins.All my tended plants are now in the hands of the allotment.Subject to the vagaries of our British weather, and all manner of pests.I hope they are okay when I'm working.

The photo shows my plot from the raised bed (with Carrots and Sunflowers) to the grass path near the neighbours shed and greenhouse.

This was the view the other way.The Courgettes have black mulch mats, and cut pop bottles to aid watering the root ball of the plants.There are eight Courgettes, and one Lightning Squash growing.The Pumpkins (on the right of the Courgettes) needed watering as the heat of the day dried them out.The second bed on the left is the caged and netted cabbages.I bought the cage frame from the Spring Flower Show.The lady who sold them was a gardener, her husband was an engineer.He came up with a novel solution for making a frame to cover tender plants from pesky pigeons.It is a tall metal pole with two curves to hold canes.Once linked up the canes form a frame that can be covered in netting to protect your crop.

The Sweetcorn (on the right below the Wigwam) was swaying in the wind.The green stems and leaves glowed in the May sunshine.I cannot wait to eat some Corn On The Cob when it is ready with lots of butter.

Cat came to pick me up to save my weary legs from the walk back.She took a rare photo of me standing in front of the allotment.

The beds had been watered and weeded.I have to work for the next three days.Sunday will be the next time I can get down to the plot.Im hoping the weather forecast is right for some rainy showers.

I came back home weary, but felt the urge to take a few flower photos.The Darcey Bussell Rose is a bit more open today and showing her beautiful petals.Her fragrance is more noticable today too.

The last photo is the Forget Me Nots that are growing in the wildflower area around the pond.I shook the dried seed heads last year into that area, and they have grown up.I love the daintiness of the pale blue flower with the yellow centre.They are very prodigious in the amount of flowers and seeds. they make like a ethereal cloud of blue when they bloom en Mass.

Dont forget its the RHS Chelsea Flower Show soon.It is only five days away now.The greatest Flower Show in the horticultural world.I will post about it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Red Robin said...

darcey bussel rose looks amazing..very special.