The photo is a beautiful sun setting, behind the tree's recently after an early shift on my way home...
Winter blues are here. Only the anemones remain stubbornly holding on. The only thing of hope is buds on the Forsythia, and Lilac tree.
The grass has stopped growing.It has been wet and windy, but not that cold really. I worry about the spring bulbs.
Things have been difficult at home, so my gardening pics and posts have dropped off. Things change, like the seasons, nothing is static.
I posted all the comments, then somebody reminded me of the chilling week has turned into I dont know how long.
I will endeavour to post something, the snappy gardener may be moving location to Wakefield. A new flat or house, and new garden I hope. Even if there is not I will keep up the green work. Garden for people at work maybe.
I hope all your gardens are growing.I must remind myself I love gardening, and growing things. And that despite lifes best efforts to trip us up we must remain true to ourselves.
Green fingers, green blood.The earth heals us, and connects us to the rhythms of life even when we feel disconnected from them.
I will take some garden pics tomorrow, for posterity sake.Thanks for all the comments!
You're moving to a new place?! Somebody is inheriting a great garden! Ah, but a "new canvas" is cool, too!
You are right about the earth healing. Good luck with your move, and may peace soothe your difficulties.
You don't seem your usual happy snappy self,if I may say. If you are ever stuck for a place to do some gardening I can see if the boss will let you pick a job from my list if you want! You could even smell how sweetly scented my Viburnum is then. Well its nice to see you posted something anyway, take care.
You don't seem your usual happy snappy self,if I may say. If you are ever stuck for a place to do some gardening I can see if the boss will let you pick a job from my list if you want! You could even smell how sweetly scented my Viburnum is then. Well its nice to see you posted something anyway, take care.
A new garden! How exciting! Hopefully you will be able to bring some of your plants with you from this garden to get you started in the new one. Keep us posted.
Well, whatever is happening I hope it all turns out for the best. New gardens can be exciting, even if it's sad to leave the old ones behind.
"The earth heals us, and connects us to the rhythms of life even when we feel disconnected from them."
I couldn't agree more.
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