Winter is nearly over now. The days are getting longer, and I have been inspired. Two things in this photo are going to be changed.
The fence on the gardens right hand side (from the back door) had seen better days. It had started rotting and was falling to bits.
I agreed to pay half of the total cost of replacing it. The neighbour bought the fence panels for trade price.
I helped him on Saturday morning take out the rotting old fence and replace it with a new one. Nine panels were renewed. The fence is a golden orange colour now and is much brighter than the drab left hand fence.
The second things we are going to change is the pond. The experimental Turtle shaped pool is being replaced by a blacker, deeper pond liner.
We went to Hampsons first, then to Spring Green Nursery on Saturday. There was a 250 litre pond liner there, rectangular in shape, with shelves for pond plants, and rocks for the birds to stand on to drink and bath.
A job on my days off is to make the second pond. I need to take the pond plants out, and my rocks (bricks) ready to be used in the new Pond. It will take a lot more digging though to excavate a hole for the liner.
It is deeper so hopefully will not freeze all the way through when it gets below freezing. I want to attract Frogs and Dragonflies to the garden.
I will go to the allotment tomorrow to continue the big dig. Tomorrows weather is forecast to be dry. I hope to make more progress there...