The leaves on the WitchHazel were turning fiery colours a few days ago. I knew that the seasons were changing from summer to autumn.
The Pyrocanthus berries are now big and orange, ready for the hungry birds to eat.
The days are getting shorter, and cooler at night. Its dark earlier, and the sun is rising later.
The first frosts are forecast to hit next week in higher parts of the UK.
The only flowers that are still blooming well are the Geraniums. Floral guests who like to arrive fashionably late. The deep reds, pinks, and magenta blooms flower in colourful balls over the compact leaves.
I harvested almost ten pounds worth of Carrots yesterday. Autumn King, Chantonay, and Suga Snax.
Once I finish work I will turn them into soup, and freeze the rest. We shall have carrots all winter, good for seeing in the dark Autumnal days.
When I spent a year in Australia the two things I missed were the football season (i listened to second half commentary on the BBC World Service), and the seasons. The Southern Hemisphere does not have neat seasons like the UK.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. I appreciate them more now, and enjoy each passing season and the changes in the plants and flowers between them.