Some fresh colour in the garden. Four Polyanthus plants planted today.Two blue, and two pink.The pink ones are fragrant too which suprised me.
I type with dirty fingers after planting all my Spring bulbs, except twenty Daffodil ones...
I planted Tulips, Daffodils, Narcissus, Hyacinths, a Madonna Lilly, a Fritalaria, white Bluebells, and Winter Aconites.
The Tulips were the dark Queen Of The Night, pink ones called Angelique, Crimson ones with double flowers called Uncle Tom, and the purple, white, and red ones from this year.
The amazing thing is the bulbs were sprouting despite being kept in paper bags indoors.The Hyacinths have developed their green stems with no soil and water.They were so eager to get out of the bulb.
Bulbs are miraculous things when you look at the size of the flowering plant after. How did it all fit into that tiny bulb? They also gave me some of their magic today cheering me up as I waited for a Boiler man who never came...
The female House Sparrow kept an eye on me, and fed as i knelt down to plant the bulbs. It was cold but not wet.
In a few months the icy cold soil will be full of colour and vigour.
I planted 300 spring bulbs last year so how many will return is open to question. I put Daffodils and Tulip bulbs in today into my rectangular planters, to give them a second wind after summer bedding.
Clearing the debris, turning the soil, and planting bulbs into the cold soil has helped me look forward to Spring. I can go outside lots now and see whats growing every day armed with a camera.
I can see the Seasons ever changing within my small garden, and see the birds enjoying the new planting and combinations.
Thats what I thought today... You always plant things that will flower in the future. If you keep planting with the changing seasons there will always be something to look forward to..